Traveling Information​s

24 August 2024

Save The Date


Nearest Airports

Lille Airport
Charleroi Airport
Bruxelle Airport

Nearest Public Transport Stations

Please consult the website for public transportations in the region. Google map is not reliable in this region.

foliage, autumn, bus stop-4514886.jpg
Thumerie - Paradis (Nearest bus station 6min Walking distance)​
Shuttle Buses (Check FAQs for more information)​


Thumerie ​
lille, architecture, north-2822776.jpg

Instructions for the accommodation.

If you don’t have a car, we will suggest you to take an Airbnb or a Hotel in Thumerie. If you have a car, you will be flexible, you could take any Airbnb in the surrounding. If you look for city where you can also enjoy some vacation and do some sightseeing, then Lille or Kortrijk will be the best matches. 

Are You Attending?

If you received the "Save The Date", please confirm with this form, if not we will have to give your invitation to another person.
Thanks in advance for your understanding.

We are looking forward to get drunk with you 😈.